Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vodka Pitch for Marketing Plan

Vodka Pitch for marketing plan.
Victoria Springs Vodka
This vodka comes straight from the springs of the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. But it's not just any vodka, this Vodka gives an exuberant taste of 3 different Tropical fruits only grown in Zimbabwe. fruits

Firmented from Maize and sugar cane, tree nuts, and grapes

Three flavors of taste: marula, which is a mood enhancer/ muroro, also called the sugar apple/

EOC: Week 7 Biggest Challenge in Marketing

The Biggest Challenge in my Marketing Plan to me is whether some one has made the product before. Especially nowadays people are inventing things that are just variations of other products because there is s much out there, mainly because technology is so advanced. Seldom does anyone come with an original product anymore. So since so many people come up with variations, you think to yourself, "What's the difference between this product and another product?" Basically you have to pitch it differently. But that is easier said than done. Most of the time you just have to use a gimmick or something catchy to attract people to it, because it's not that much different than what the next person has done before you.
The other difficult challenge I think will be pricing the product. There are two ways how that could be difficult. The first way is if you have managed to make an original product, is it a type of product that benefits everybody, selfish product, etc. Then on top of that, if it is original is it something you only want the super rich to buy, because they have the luxury of being able to spend money without blinking an eye and also love to have the new hottest thing. On the other hand is it something you want everyone to be able to buy? Then you gotta think about the economics of it. Will the supply meet the demand if you do make it affordable for everyone.
The Second way pricing could be difficult, is if your product is a variation of another product, then you have to think about the prices of your competition. Are you gonna make it cheaper, more expensive, the same. You have to think about how you want people to spend their money on your product.

EOC Week 7 3's About Me

Create this as a blog post. Build in Word - include the questions. Post it in the first ten minutes of today’s class (it’s time stamped, you know!). Use Three as the tag.

Three Names I have been called: A Genius, Highly Intelligent, Good Friend

Three Jobs I have had in my life (include unpaid if you have to): MArket Research Assoiciate, Technical Support Specialist, Cashier

Three Places I Have Lived: Zimbabwe, Bay Area, Las Vegas

Three TV Shows that I watch: Numb3rs, Law & Order Criminal Intent, Martin

Three places I have been: Jamaica, South Africa, Mexico

People that e-mail me regularly. Elise, My cousin, Shanna Johnson

Three of my favorite foods: Rice, Chicken,

Three cars I have driven: 98 Mustang GT, 85 Buick LeSabre, 96 Nissan Maxima

Three things I am looking forward to: Graduating from School

Thursday, August 20, 2009

EOC Week 6: Specialty But Not Specialty Product

Our company AAP, (All Around Products), just came with a new innovative product called the AAH702’s. They’re new top of the line headphone that everyone can use and love. You love music? You love internet? You love TV well now you can get a product that can give you all that and more! The AAH702s are new noise canceling head phones that give the top of the line sound quality. Which is great for the music you love best. But not only that, but these head phones have its own mini screen that slides out and you can watch TV and you can get on the internet. Why use an I-pod to download your music when you can do it right off of your head phones. These headphones are very convenient especially for the people who love always listening to their head phones.
The AAP Company came up with the idea of all around head phones. Our slogan is “Keep Doin What You Doin.” It’s nice, catchy, and straight to the point. They are made with heavy duty plastic with adjustable ear pieces for different size ears, and you can pick whether you want to wear them on your head like traditional headphones or behind your head.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

E.O.C. Week 5 What my Classmates think about Advertising vs. Marketing

One of the students in my class states “If a product is marketed well enough then advertising it is done without even having to pay for it.” Basically, she was saying that if enough people go to a certain place all the time, then more people will likely catch on and start going there also. I totally agree, because a big part of advertising a certain product or service is done by word of mouth. For instance, I’m not a big coffee drinker. If I drink coffee, it’s because I need to stay up, not because it tastes good. But then at the job I’m working at, in the morning I catch a lot of people that I work with having Starbuck’s cups or talking about going to Starbucks because they need to stay up. So obviously my curiosity is going to kick in and want to try out their coffee to see if it will keep me up. And how it effects me will determine if I would tell other people about it and so forth. That to me says a lot about advertising.
“When you Market something you will often do a lot of research before you create/release a product, and advertising is just one way of using that research.” I totally agree with that statement, because a company will make a bunch of products under their name, but then sometimes they are not satisfied or they want to encourage more people to but their brand. So they do research and hire maybe a famous person to do a commercial for them to advertise their product to make more people but it. For example, Reebok’s have always been second or third to Nike’s but when Allen Iverson became popular and was endorsing his shoe with Reebok, their sales rocketed, because Iverson was one of the most popular basketball mogul’s at the time.
This next student uses fragrances to exemplify marketing and advertising. She talked about body sprays and deodorants and how men and women want to smell differently, so that makes the advertisements broadcast their products in the medium that would get the maximized profitization for that gender. An example of that, she talks about having a lot of Axe commercials on ESPN because that’s what a lot of men spend their time watching. She states ” Marketing is what the company sells and who they sell to, and how they are going to sell it.” That statement goes with what she is saying. Now I’m not saying I disagree with the statement, but I have a question of my own. When it comes to cologne and perfume, there are different varieties for both genders. Now what is the marketing strategy about women’s perfume with the same name as the men’s cologne? For example, there is a Cool Water for both men and women, Curve, Stetson, and Eternity just to name a few. Now not that I want there to be men’s version’s of women’s perfume, but why aren’t there any?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

E.O.C. Week 4: What is the difference between Marketing and Advertising

Advertising is more of a public service by advertisement. Marketing concentrates more on the customer values and can sometimes focus all their energy on a certain demographic or age group. On the other hand, Advertising might affect different age groups differently depending on the type of ad and/or who’s doing the advertising. For example, Levi’s have a new cut of jeans that have been out for say 6 months, but it wasn’t selling very much. So they paid a high profile music artist like Kanye West to be the spokesperson to advertise and wear that cut of Jeans. They have him do a lot of commercials on television and whenever he’s at awards shows he mentions the type of jeans he’s wearing. Most likely people in their teens up to the late 20’s will probably start wearing their jeans just because it’s Kanye West who’s wearing them. “Many products and services that are integral parts of Americans’ lives today get their initial boost from opinion leaders.” (MKTG, Lamb, pg. 73). In this case, Kanye West is considered a Opinion leader. And in the next few months they become the current trend amongst that age group. Now the other age groups around that, or people who don’t know or care who Kanye West is probably will not really think about buying those type of jeans. Levi’s now have a certain type of customer that buys their product, but only by chance. They couldn’t predict who will start buying their jeans, they just wanted to promote it to get someone to buy it.
Marketing would take a more extensive approach. They would probably do a focus group or come up with surveys on people who have bought the jeans and ask them questions, like are they comfortable compared to other jeans, does it go well with your style of dress, etc. Then off of those answers they would come up with a marketing plan to implement what they are already doing, or a way to improve the product so more people would buy it.